Case Studies

Optical Character Recognition
Port Terminals: Tracking containers within the terminal yard.
Port congestion results in a chronic gridlock at ports across the globe, which poses an economic threat and adds a barrier to international trade. This emanates from the port operators’ inability to locate missing containers within the port yard terminal. Ships are stranded offshore for days or even weeks, waiting to unload. Terminal yards are clogged and trucks are waiting in line for hours to pick up a single container, causing shipping delays lasting weeks, for customers throughout the country.
Computer Vision at the Edge
Cell Phone Towers: Monitoring tenant activity on site.
The increasing data usage by consumers and devices (e.g. IoT devices, self- driving cars and smart cities etc.) has led to a competitive telecom landscape across regions, as a result, network carriers are opting for tower sharing in-order to expand their network coverage in developing markets and congested urban centers where tower site acquisition is difficult. This results in high-levels of site activities, presenting tower companies with the challenge of monitoring structure loading and equipment installation in order to prevent revenue leakage and impairments.

Photogrammetry & Drone Technology
Mining & Construction: Calculating Stock Pile Volumes.
Conventionally stockpile volumes are calculated using ground-base surveying methods, requiring the surveyor to physically climb the stock-pile for improved accuracy. In some cases there would be a requirement to close the mine or construction site for days to allow the surveyors to gather data for reporting of stockpile volumes. This presents health and safety risks, high site insurance and plant down time.
Airborne Spectrum Monitoring System
Spectrum Management: RF-Spectrum Surveillance and Data Collection
Effective management of frequency spectrum by spectrum managers (e.g. ICASA) is a major priority for all countries. As spectrum is a limited resource, spectrum monitoring serves as the eyes and ears of the spectrum managers, being used to monitor breaches of regulations, incorrect calibration of transmission equipment, and the presence of illegal transmitters/jammers. These breaches of regulations can cause interference and interruptions of communication services, which cause social and economic impairments in countries.